Shareholder Committee

17 December 2019


Report of the Corporate Finance and Commercial Procurement Manager (Interim S151 officer)


Shareholder Committee Forward Plan to December 2021


1.        This paper presents the future plan of reports expected to be presented to the Committee during the forthcoming year to December 2020.


2.        There are to be a number of meetings of the Committee in a municipal year. To assist members in their work, attached as an annex is an indicative rolling forward plan for meetings up to December 2020.  This may be subject to change depending on any particular issues with council owned companies. A rolling forward plan of the Committee will be reported at every meeting reflecting any known changes.

3.        The Council owns, or part owns, a number of companies.  Details of these companies are included in the council annual financial accounts and are listed in the table below.

Company name

Ownership details

Yorwaste & SJB Recycling

22.27% CYC

77.73% NYCC

Make It York

100% CYC


50% CYC

50% NYCC

City of York Trading Ltd

100% CYC




4.        The committee should consider, as a minimum, the business plan, a mid year performance update and the financial year outturn for each of the companies.  In practice, it is likely that the performance reports may be brought at different times during the year. 

5.        As the dates for future committees have not yet been determined, the forward plan attached assumes there will be 3 meetings during the year.  The individual reports included can be arranged over the meetings as appropriate once dates have been agreed.


6.        The forward plan is subject to discussion by members at each meeting, has been discussed with the Chair of the Committee and key corporate officers.


7.        Not relevant for the purpose of the report.


8.        Not relevant for the purpose of the report.

        Council Plan

9.        This report contributes to the overall effectiveness of the council’s governance and assurance arrangements contributing to an ‘Effective Organisation’.




(a) Financial - There are no implications


(b) Human Resources (HR) - There are no implications


(c) Equalities - There are no implications


(d) Legal - There are no implications


(e) Crime and Disorder  - There are no implications


(f)  Information Technology (IT)  - There are no implications


(g) Property - There are no implications



Risk Management

11.    By not complying with the requirements of this report, the council will fail to have in place adequate scrutiny of its internal control environment and governance arrangements, and it will also fail to properly comply with legislative and best practice requirements.






(a) The Committee’s forward plan for the period up to December 2020 be noted.


To ensure the Committee receives regular reports in accordance with the functions of an effective Shareholder committee.

(b)  Members identify any further items they wish to add to the Forward Plan.



To ensure the Committee can seek assurances on any aspect of the council’s internal control environment in accordance with its roles and responsibilities.

Contact Details




Chief Officer Responsible for the report:


Debbie Mitchell

Corporate Finance & Commercial Procurement Manager

(Interim S151 officer)

Telephone: 01904 554161



Debbie Mitchell

Corporate Finance & Commercial Procurement Manager

(Interim S151 officer)

Telephone: 01904 554161


Report Approved




Specialist Implications Officers




Wards Affected:  Not applicable




For further information please contact the author of the report


Background Papers:



Shareholder Committee Forward Plan to December 2020